Don't tour Guilin with anyone else!!!

Coming from America on only my second trip to China I was a little nervous about traveling to Guilin solo for photography but the correspondence that I had with Mia Beales leading up to the trip quickly put my mind at ease.

Once I arrive Mia and her team led me every step of the way while still being incredibly flexible in moving activities around to meet my photographic interests.

I spent six days on this tour and could have spent even more time, there was so much to see and I could not have been more please with the pictures that resulted from my experience.

The Guilin photography team did not hesitate to put in long hours to make sure that we caught sunrise and sunset everyday and it is this type of effort that really takes your photography from good to excellent.

Mia was also very familiar with the locals and easily navigated us amongst the villagers for beautiful portraits of both the young and old.

Not only would I not hesitate to go on this tour again, I have found that even almost two months later I can’t stop talking to my photography friends about my experience and recommending that each of them go.

Reviewed 14 August 2016

Photo Tours & Adventures


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